Lunch & Dinner

First things first: I'm not a huge fan of cauliflower meaning I wouldn't serve steamed cauliflower with veganized béchamel sauce
Whether or not time is scarce, is really more a philosophical question than anything else. In economics, scarcity refers to limitations. That
My cousin goes by the name of Tinka. A while ago, she asked my if there was anything with "potatoes
Avocado-free Frijoles Salad 2 can black beans (drained and rinsed)3 ear cooked corn (kernels cut off the cob/ sub: frozen
I got to admit: I've never been a tofu person and I doubt I ever will become one. Tofu seems
Today was the first chilly morning. I loved this summer. So having to say goodbye to super long and pleasantly
Learn how to make falafel, with easy to follow step-by-step photos to help you out
My personal vegan garbanzo flour falafel? It's really straight forward. Living in Berlin, an Arab center in Germany, there is
There is literally thousands of vegan panzanella recipes on the internet. Most of them are even characterised as "easy". However,
According to Wikipedia Waldorf salad is named for the Waldorf-Astoria hotel in New York City. There it was first created for a charity ball
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