Fruit and veg storage hacks

Food waste in never good. Not for the environment, not for your financials and not for your peace of mind. Now that summer ist hitting really hard everything spoils so much faster than it usually does. And let’s say that these days I don’t like to run to the supermarket to often because … well… with inflation on the high rise, it becomes a rather worrysome trip.

So, here are my newest storage hacks for fruit and veg:

  • Store lemons in a glass jar full of water: Add all the lemons in a jar, put water and place them in the refrigerator. Keeps them fresh for months instead of a week or so on the countertop.
  • Root vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, turnips, radishes, beet root, Jerusalem artichokes, onions, leeks, and shallots can all be stored in sand: I place a wooden box full of bird sand in the pantry. Make sure the vegetables have a little bit of space around them so the air can circulate.
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